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2023 (2)
Eddie Harrison

Eddie Harrison

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Paytrix
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The neglected middle: how international payments systems are failing the majority of marketplaces

22 Aug 2023

How do ecommerce marketplaces move money across borders efficiently, securely, and cost effectively? The answer to this question will vary according to the size of the organisation. For small marketplaces dealing in payment volumes of less than $50 million there's really only one option: leveraging local service providers and the SWIFT interbank ...


International payment systems are often a barrier to growth for businesses. The solution? 'Curation'

18 Jan 2023

For fast-growth startups, the early days can be thrilling. You have come up with a great new product or service, found the perfect marketing strategy, and hit gold with a rapidly expanding customer base. The next step is obvious - strike out from home and try to replicate your success in global markets. Often, that's where things come grinding to...